if you've ever thought, “can someone just tell me what to eat!”, welcome to:
Get a health professional's feedback and recommendations on what you're eating and where you can make small changes that will make a big impact on your health (read: energy, skin, digestion, mood, and more).
What can you expect?
A digital food and mood journal you will complete over the course of 3 days
A detailed assessment of your Food and Mood Journal
Tailored recommendations and resources based on my observations and your goals
When I say this email made my cry, I meant that as the HIGHEST of compliments! I am 30 years old and have been to countless practitioners trying to gain clarity in how to feed my body because no matter how much I worked out nothing changed, and never, not ONE TIME, did anyone give me such tangible, thorough information. (More than once I walked out of the doctor with pinterest printouts of a food pyramid with the instructions to try harder, and I cried the whole walk home because how is that helpful?) You are a treasure. The work you are doing is POWERFUL. I am so grateful!!!!
You're meeting me where I am and making this journey feel attainable. That is a gift.
have we met?
i'm meredith.
I'm a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Women's Health Advocate. I believe healthy living can become second nature and doesn't have to be complicated and that with the right tools and information, women can make informed choices for their health so they can look and feel their best.
Because healthy women are unstoppable.